The red-brick building on Tankerville Terrace, known since 1925 as ‘Church High’, has the distinction of being the first purpose-built Girls’ School in Jesmond. Since the school was opened in 1889 by Helen Gladstone, Prime Minister Gladstone’s youngest daughter, countless girls dressed in green have entered its doors with curious minds. All left to make their way in the world refined, by that special ‘Church High’ spirit, into the best version of themselves they could possibly be. The same is true for the staff who worked there, in every capacity, over the years. They gave freely of themselves to grow the School and, as a consequence, received much in return. A sense of being part of a family prevails.
Church High closed its doors administratively for the last time in July 2014 when it was merged with neighbouring Central Newcastle High School. As with grafted plants, the green Church High sap continues to course through the veins of Newcastle High School for Girls, where NCHS Alumnae meet annually every June. But it is important cultural history is not forgotten. So for those wishing to learn about Newcastle Church High School or dip into its special magic once again, this Heritage site was created by Christine Chapman and Steven Farrell, on behalf of everyone who loved the School.

The School motto is Vincit Omnia Veritas, Truth Conquers All.